Restoration soaking song. You can download it by right clicking on the play button and selecting download audio.
Restoration was written as a prophetic song in seeing breakthrough in areas where is it needed. At times we fail, and feel that God is yet again disappointed, but His mercies are new every morning, and He is the God or restoration, ever patient and wanting to see us walk in victory.
This song was also written as a prophetic prayer believing God to bring life to areas that want to bring despair ‘and hopefulness, as the song states, ‘bring Your life where death wants to live’. At times in our lives, there are situations beyond our control, sometimes where we may even feel a victim to, where we can’t see victory happening in the natural, but what God loves to do is make all things new if we let go and trust Him to do it. This song is mainly a declaration of submitting things to God, and Him bringing restoration to that which has resulted from sin, personally and through the people around us.
As someone once said, ‘One of the happiest moment ever, is where you find the courage to let go of what you can’t change.’ But don’t leave it there. We need to trust God to bring restoration to that which we can’t change.